What is Inclusive Education?
The concept of inclusive education aims to ensure the most marginalised and vulnerable students can access and participate in education. Inclusive Education is governed by two main regulatory frameworks - the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and The Disability Standards of Education 2005. At St Joachim's School, we recognise that inclusive education is not about accomodating 'special needs' - it is about meeting 'human needs' so that all children can access education. Education is a basic human right, however, each child's educational 'map' can look quite different.
At St Joachim's School we encourage and embrace diversity everyday in our classrooms as teachers make adjustments to support all students' rights to an education.

Our Learning Support Team
The Learning Support Team consists of The Principal, Assistant Principal (RE), Guidance Counsellor, Primary Learning Leader, Support Teacher Inclusive Educator (STIE) and Literacy and Numeracy Enhancement Teachers. This team works with the class teachers and school officers to:
- meet with parents
- coordinate collection of data
- provide support and strategies to classroom teachers
- liaise with health professionals
Should parents have concerns about their child's learning they are encouraged to contact their child's teacher in the first instance
Governing Documents
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joachim's School (2023)